Wallacea Expeditions



POKMASWAS is an acronym for Kelompok Pengawas Masyarakat – literally “Community Monitoring Group”.

These community organisations are village level environmental monitoring groups charged with surveillance of local Marine Protected Areas (MPAs)

The groups regularly patrol local MPAs and monitor fishing activities around their villages. Any fishing taking place inside MPAs is immediately reported to enforcement authorities.

In addition to policing MPA compliance, POKMASWAS groups also monitor the fishing equipment and methods employed by fishers operating in their village area. Any fishers found using illegal equipment or methods such as bomb or cyanide fishing are recorded and reported to local enforcement authorities.

POKMASWAS groups are also active in other conservation related roles, such as helping promote conservation values in the wider community, mangrove replantation, and coral reef restoration.

In North Minahasa, Wallacea Expeditions works closely with and supports POKMASWAS groups in both Bahoi and Tarabitan

Wallacea Expeditions

About Us

Wallacea Expeditions are developed and delivered by PT Jelajah Buana Semesta (JBS), a division of YAPEKA.

10% of JBS profit is returned to community-led marine conservation organisations.